Avoiding Life Book

Avoiding Life  - The Book

A Book about Avoidant Personality Written by Someone Who Actually Has Avoidant Personality

If you have Avoidant Personality Disorder (AVP), or if you know anyone who has it, then you know just how bad this condition is.


Avoidant Personality is a complex mental condition because it includes many other conditions and symptoms.


Inside AVP, you will find major depression, severe social anxiety, fear of going outside, fear of authority, and a host of other phobias and symptoms.  If you have done any research on AVPD, you have probably found very few helpful resources out there.

This is where Phillip comes in. He was born with AVP. It lay dormant in his body, like he was the carrier of a disease.


At some point, there was a tragic event in his life that triggered the AVP to come to the forefront. Over the course of many years, he learned how to deal with AVP.  Then he found the secret to finding the path to recovery.


Avoiding Life is the journal of his life from struggling with the condition to healing.

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