Are you ready to conquer Avoidant Personality?

Welcome to Hope!

My name is Phillip and I have Avoidant Personality.
If your journey has led you here, then you know what it’s like to suffer in silence just like I did.
Avoidant Personality (AVP) causes us to isolate, self-medicate, deny, and to despair.
That was my life for over 40 years. I was plagued by overwhelming and irrational feelings of rejection, unable to cope with the slightest criticism. My anxiety was unbearable, my depression was unending, and my symptoms made it impossible for me to maintain relationships.




My name is Phillip. I suffered from a mental health condition called Avoidant Personality for over 40 years. Avoidant Personality includes all the symptoms below and many more.

  • Major Depression
  • Severe Social Anxiety
  • Extreme Sensitivity to Criticism
  • Extreme Sensitivity to Rejection
  • Feeling that everything will always go wrong
  • Inability to Trust
  • Fear of going outside
  • Inability to hold jobs
  • Feeling Worthless
  • Paranoia
  • Severe Anxiety Attacks
  • Self Hatred

If your journey has led you here, then you know what it’s like to suffer in silence, just like I did.


For many years, I suffered from an unknown issue. I constantly felt criticized and rejected by my boss, my co-workers, and even my family. I felt isolated and all alone in a world of people that I thought was better than me.


I had more days than I could count when I could not even get out of bed, much less make it to work. All I wanted to do was climb under a rock and disappear. I felt all alone and had no idea why.


Something had taken over my life. Nothing worked to ease the pain I felt inside. I tried God, Church, Alcohol, Drugs, Video Games, and Porn. One day I decided to join the Air Force so I could at least be a part of something.


I went to see a physiatrist there because I was deathly afraid of the opposite sex, and I was hoping for some help. The doctor diagnosed me with a Mental Health Condition. This was hard to hear, but at least now I knew what was going on in my life.


I had an enemy, and its name was Avoidant Personality!


One day, God blessed me with the love of my life. My enemy though had other plans. I was constantly plagued by overwhelming feelings of rejection. Even the slightest criticism from anyone -- my boss, a co-worker, or my wife, felt like a knife being plunged directly into my heart.


My anxiety was unbearable, my depression was unending. My Avoidant Personality made it impossible for me to maintain my marriage.


After 20 years, my wife had enough and asked for a divorce. This sent me into a deep dark depression. I felt like I had no way out but to end my life.


My wife and daughter had me admitted to the mental ward at my local VA hospital. With help, I was able to heal my mind, remarry the love of my life, and become the father that my daughter needed and deserved.


Because of the wisdom and strength I gained through my relationship with God, I am now living the purposeful, happy, and fulfilling life that I once thought was impossible. The same freedom is waiting for you.


Make the choice today to be free of your Avoidant Personality!

The video below will give you a short introduction to this web site, our classes, and Avoidant Personality


Do you ask yourself questions like these?

  • Why do I get so depressed that I can't even get out of bed?
  • Why do I get angry with co-workers, my boss, and my family?
  • Why am I terrified of going outside?
  • Why can't I keep a job?
  • Why do I always think that people are rejecting me?
  • Why do I cower when my partner criticizes me?
  • Why do I have to be in control of everything?
  • Why do I have these horrible anxiety attacks that paralyze me?
  • Why don't I have any friends?


Demons will gladly hang out in the background until it's beneficial for them to once again take over your life. When they do, your condition will be worse than before. - Luke 11:26


Through the power of God, whatever demon/condition you are facing can and will be defeated!

Do you suffer from any of these symptoms?

If so, you might have Avoidant Personality

Take my FREE quiz 
right now!


Don't waste Years looking for a solution to Avoidant Personality like I did.

Click on the button below and sign up for our classes right now! and be Free of Avoidant Personality Forever!

Your subscription includes all the classes below

Class 1

Discovering Avoidant Personality

In this class, you will Discover what Avp is and what it is not. You will learn how many people suffer from the condition and what the symptoms are. You will also take an assessment to help determine if you have Avoidant Personality.
Class 2

Understanding Avoidant Personality

In this class, you will come to Understand Avoidant Personality. We will tackle questions like; "Why did I get this condition? Why does God not heal me from it?" "Why do some people have the condition, and some do not?" We will also take a deeper look into its symptoms.
Class 3

Conquering Avoidant Personality

Now that you have Discovered and Understand Avoidant Personality, you will learn practical methods and skills that will help you Conquer Avoidant Personality. Topics include Attachment Theory, Fight Flight Freeze and others.
Class 4

Phillip’s Avoidant Personality

In this class, your instructor tells the story of his personal struggles with Avoidant Personality. Marriage, Divorce, Seperation and more.

You will also have the oppertunity to ask him questions about his experiences

Enroll in our classes right now and Start Your Journey !


Benefits of your subscription to Avoiding Life Academy

  • Access to all uploaded classes and lessons including any future ones uploaded as long as you are subscribed
  • You can go back and retake previous lessons and classes anytime
  • We run a monthly podcast called Avoiding Life that you are free to listen to anytime
  • Quizzes, Q&A, and instructorships
  • Games and other tools that have been developed for the lessons and classes
  • For events and assignments due
  • For classes completed
  • After you have successfully completed a class, you will receive a workbook for 75% off the regular price.
  • The regular price is projected to be $149.
  • Workbooks will be available 1 month after each class is completed.
  • The workbook will be available in PDF form at first.
  • Later it will be available in print through various outlets like Amazon.
  • When this book is published, subscribers will receive 50% the published price projected to be $29.99
  • Opportunity for one on one sessions
  • Group Session
  • One on one mentorship opportunity
  • Exclusive to those with Avoidant Personality, Loved Ones, and related symptoms (Depression, Social Anxiety etc…)

Do you have questions like these?

  • Why doesn't my partner want to be intimate with me?
  • Why does my partner try to control everything I do?
  • Why won't my partner let me have any relationships outside of them?
  • Why won't my partner talk to me?
  • Why won't my partner let me have my own viewpoints?
  • Why won't my partner commit to anything?
  • Why does my partner not fight fair?
  • Why does my partner not think about my needs?
  • Why can't I leave my partner?


If so, you might be the Loved One of someone that has an Avoidant Personality. To the extinct that you understand the condition they have, is to the extinct that you will learn to understand them and have empathy for what they are going through.

Our classes will help you have a better relationship
with your partner that has Avoidant Personality.

Don't let another day go by without working to understand them and what they are going through

Current Class Offerings
Discover Avoidant Personality


In this class, you will

  • Discover what Avoidant Personality is
  • Discover what Avoidant Personality is not
  • Discover how many people are affected by Avoidant Personality in the US and all over the world
  • Discover the symptoms of the condition
  • Discover if you have Avoidant Personality
Understanding Avoidant Personality


Before you can learn to conquer Avoidant Personality, you must understand it. In this class, you will

  • Learn to understand Avoidant Personality
  • Learn where Avoidant Personality came from
  • Learn how and why you got Avoidant Personality
  • Learn what causes Avoidant Personality
Conquering Avoidant Personality


Now that you have Discovered and Understand Avoidant Personality, it is time to Conquer Avoidant Personality.

  • Practical things that will help
  • Baby Steps
  • Skills Building
  • Flight, Fight and Freeze
  • Attachment theory
  • Correcting incorrect thoughts
  • Correcting incorrect emotions
Phillip’s Struggles with Avoidant Personality

In this class, your instructor tells the story of his personal struggles with Avoidant Personality.

  • His marriage
  • His admittance to a mental hospital
  • His divorce
  • His separation
  • When and how he was diagnosed
  • His life with his daughter

You will also have the opportunity to ask questions.


About Your Teacher

Phillip Dācus is the founder of Avoidant Personality Research Center. He suffered from a mental health condition called Avoidant Personality for over 40 years. He has now conquered it! Phillip is the author of the book Avoiding Life. Avoiding life is true account of Phillips struggles with Avoidant Personality

  • Phillip is the founder and CEO of Avoidant Personality Research Center
  • Phillip is a regular lecturer at Boise State University
  • Phillip is a Licensed Pastor
  • Phillip has worked with people that have Avoidant Personality, including Loved Ones, for 20 years
  • Phillip is the Author of the book Avoiding Life
  • Phillip holds a regular podcast on Avoidant Personality called Avoiding Life

I want to start today to conquer my Avoidant Personality!


Save $30

Price  $19 / Month

We are currently offering these classes at a substantial discount. We only have a small number of these scholarships available!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
If for any reason you decide you want a refund, simply contact us within 15 days of signing up 
and we will promptly refund 100% of your money. No questions asked.
The only question we will ask you is why are you canceling. We need this information so we can improve, and fix any issues that you had.


Below you will find answers to many of the most common questions that we get. If you dont find the answer to your question, please use the bottom at the end of the section to contact us

In any school, there are prerequisites that you have to take before you move  on to the advanced classes. 


An example would be English. You start with a basic class like Grammer. Then you work your way up to Literature and Writing. We use the same Structure. Before you can Conquer Avoidant Personality, you need to Discover it. Once you Discover it, you can then move on to Understanding it. It's only using this step process that you will have the necessary tools, learning, and skills, to Conquer Avoidant Personality. 


We will start out with Discovering Avoiding Personality class. We will be adding 1 lesson every other week. If at all possible, we will try to add these sooner, but please expect them every other week. This gives us good ample time to develop the best quality lessons that we can. 


Once we complete the Discovering class, we will move on to Understanding and then to Conquering

Avoidant Personality is a very complex mental health condition. We want to provide the very best quality material and tools for you, so we do not want to rush them. It takes 2 weeks to develop and record these lessons.


While you are waiting for the new lessons to be uploaded, there will still be things for you to do. Each lesson will have homework. This homework will include some simple things like going outside for walks and finding new people to talk to. Other homework will be more involved, like reading chapters from various books, practicing meditation, and working on your diet.


Only having 1 lesson to work through every 2 weeks also gives you plenty of time to go through the lesson step by step, glean from it everything you need to, and work through parts of the lessons that might require more time and be more difficult for some.


We will also send out newsletters that include other tips you can use in your journey. You can also tune into our podcast and ask any questions that you wish.


We want to hear about your journey, your successes and your challenges.


I suggest starting with our short quiz. Click Here  to be taken to that section. If you score high on the quiz, I strongly suggest enrolling in our classes. 

In the class on Discovering Avoidant Personality, you will have the opportunity to take a longer and more thorough assessment.

Yes! When we first started out, we were only going to help people that had Avoidant Personality. But we started getting emails from people that did not have the condition. They were in a relationship with someone that had, or they suspected had Avoidant Personality. They were suffering just as much as the one with Avoidant Personality. We decided to start work on classes that would  specifically help “Loved Ones”.

Phillip is a lead Pastor, a former Youth Pastor, an Author, a regular speaker at Boise State University (BSU), a podcast host, a successful husband and dad, and has Conquered Avoidant Personality.

Each class is composed of approximately 12 lessons. Since we are uploading 1 lesson every 2 weeks, you can expect each class to last about 24 weeks. If at all possible, we will try to shorten this so we can complete the classes sooner, but we don't want to rush these, so please plan on the 24 weeks.

You will have access to all the lessons and classes for as long as you are subscribed. Feel free to go back to previous lessons and retake them and any others.

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Each class is composed of approximately 12 lessons. Since we are uploading 1 lesson every 2 weeks, you can expect each class to last about 24 weeks. If at all possible, we will try to shorten this so we can complete the classes sooner, but we don't want to rush these, so please plan on the 24 weeks.

Phillip is a licensed Pastor and a former Youth Pastor, so yes, faith does play a role in the classes. However, in order to conquer a complicated mental health condition like Avoidant Personality, any teaching must be more well-rounded. Our holistic approach includes the entire makeup of your being. Mind, Body, and Spirit.


Phillip does not just use the Bible. He teaches using Science, The Bible, Diet, Meditation, Literature from various sources, Therapies, Clinical Practices, life skills, and his own life experiences and research on Avoidant Personality.

Clinicians, like therapists, can be an excellent resource if you find one that really understands Avoidant Personality and is well versed in treatments like Attachment Theory.

In the Discover and Understanding classes, we are teaching you what Avoidant Personality is and helping you understand its various symptoms. It's not until the Conquer class that we begin to teach you how to overcome Avoidant Personality.

Typically, it's not a good idea to be getting mental health treatment from two different sources. We teach things in our classes that might be completely different than what your therapist is using.

We don't want to circumvent what they are trying to do. This could cause conflicts and issues. If you are currently seeing a therapist, they are helping you, and you are comfortable with the help they are providing, we suggest sticking with them.

You could take the 1st two classes and stop before you get to the class on conquering Avp. This is entirely up to you. You might consider discussing this with your therapist.

If the clinician that you are seeing is unable to help you, and you are making no progress, please take our classes.

I suggest starting with our short quiz. Click here to be taken to that section. If you score high on the quiz, I strongly suggest enrolling in our classes.

In the class on Discovering Avoidant Personality, you will have the opportunity to take a longer and more thorough assessment.

We have been researching Avoidant Personality, and helping those that suffer from it for over 20 years.

We are the only organization in the world that focuses specifically on Avoidant Personality, conducts research on Avoidant Personality, and has developed classes on Avoidant Personality.

We have helped thousands of people all over the world.
Yes, we have many other classes to develop. These include; Classes that cover the various symptoms of Avoidant Personality like 
  • Depression
  • Social Anxiety
  • Fear of People
  • Extreme Sensitivity to Rejection
  • Extreme Sensitivity to Criticism etc…
  • Classes for Loved Ones
  • Classes for Clinicians
  • Classes for Employees 
  • Classes for those in charge of employees like Owners, Managers, etc…

Yes, after successfully completion of course You will get your Certificate.

You can apply here.

If scholarship funds are available, we will let you know


You can share the information on this website with anyone that you feel needs it. People that will benefit from this website

  • Someone that has Avoidant Personality
  • Someone that thinks they might have Avoidant Personality
  • Someone that has symptoms that fit Avoidant Personality, but are not sure what they have
  • A Business, Church, Mental Health Org, or anyone else that needs, or wants, more information about Avoidant Personality


You can share by copying the link and sending it to anyone that needs it. 
